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Vertigo - Dizziness

You don't have to be dizzy every time you move!
Getting dizzy or woozy every time you turn your head, roll over in bed, reach down for something, or otherwise change positions doesn't not have to be your norm!
We are here to assess and find out WHY the dizziness is happening. Is it orthostatic hypotension (your blood pressure drops when you stand up and takes some time to recover), is it your vestibular fitness has declined, or do you have a case of true Vertigo? We will check all these things to make sure our treatment aligns with the root cause!
If it is vertigo the awesome news is that usually we can make those symptoms vanish with just a couple of visits. "That was literally nothing shirt of a miracle! No Dizziness!" This is a text we received after checking in with a patient after one visit!
Call to schedule your appointment!
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