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Injury Prevention
Injury prevention isn't just for young athletes
Usually high school sports comes to mind when you hear injury prevention. However, preventative care is for all seasons of life, and all types of environments/activities.
It may be a kayak trip with friends and you want to ensure your shoulders aren't hurting on the 2nd day of a 5 day
adventure, or it may be daily work positions or tasks that are starting to give you some back pain you'd like to stop and prevent from becoming a chronic problem, or maybe its construction or manual labor and you need to be able to move, twist, reach, and lift in many directions at any given time, or it could be the case that comes to mind when you hear "injury prevention" and we are here to help prevent
ACL injuries, sprained ankles, or dislocated shoulders within sport play/practice. There are many scenarios in which preventative work to build strong resilient bodies, improve coordination, identify deficits, and more can keep you protected and significantly reduce the risk of injury and the severity of injury in those unpreventable scenarios.
When PT may benefit you:
Call to schedule your appointment!
- if you complete repetitive movements throughout your day (ex. prevent elbow/forearm pain from repetitive twisting or address it and prevent its reoccurrence).
- if you are returning to an activity you have not done consistently in greater than 3-6 months.
- if you have a job requiring leaning forward a lot or looking down frequently/constantly.
- if you have a job requiring long durations of gripping items/tools, etc.
- if you type constantly, or if you have wrist/hand pain, or think you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.
-if you are on your feet all day and are prone to plantar fasciitis or other foot/ankle pain.
- if you are noticing range of motion limitations, limited endurance, difficulty with any specific tasks that may have been easier previously.
- if you have had increased stress, limited sleep, or recent ongoing illness, or new diagnosis that may impact muscle strength.
- if you participate in sports or would like to.
- ...all these reasons and more to make an appointment today! 918-791-8789
At Adaptable Physical Therapy we provide many services to support a whole person approach to care. As part of our evaluation we will discuss your nutrition, water intake, sleep quality, and stress. This allows us to work together to find strategies to optimize these lifestyle behaviors and lead to the greatest benefit during your time at physical therapy. After your evaluation we use our knowledge and skill set, along with your input, to offer you the most effective treatments which may include manual therapy, spinal
manipulation, IASTM, therapeutic exercise, dry needling with electrical stimulation (estim/TENS), education, ergonomics, pain management techniques, neuromuscular therapy, functional movement therapy, and pre/post surgical rehabilitation.
Call to schedule your appointment!
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